Thursday, October 18, 2007


Duchamp's work is all in all very unique and vivid, its almost like he made up his own little world, and has his own theories to prove his points. One big problem that Duchamp has while working on his visions, is conveying the meaning of his logic to the audience or viewers. The fact that his art is so visual and complicated Duchamp had to publish an explanation to his eccentric designs, which are so long they could be made into a book, one piece of art work 4 page explanation, to me that sounds "boring". Even though he had explanations viewers seem to have their own interpretation and theories about his art work. To me his artwork is very geometrical, very straight lines, and also blocky, there are many objects that divert your attention there is tremendous amount of movement but no realistic perspective.
The only reason I support his art work because he has an explanation to his twisted theories even though I don't think they are true he seems to make a good attempt to convince me, I think that all in all Duchamp has very interesting logics. And that visual concepts has a lot to do with his art work, but I think a little more accuracy or detail in his art work would have been key, in convincing his audience.

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