Wednesday, September 5, 2007

a contrast of yellow and black, with different
shades of the two colors are used in this image. on the right hand side there seems to be a figure of a man, surrounded by bright light. next to him there is man with light falling on the left side of his body. he is smaller than the man infront of him. behind the second man. there seems to be a figure, doing some kind of chore,there is very little light on this figure. in this figure your eyes move from the left hand side to the right hand side.

this image suggests that the character that is the biggest, is the most important due to the surrounding light, and also that the second figure is some what scared. it gives some what of a dull mood due to the lack of light and clarity.
this image gives out a religious meaning because the big figure seems to look like jesus, and one of his desciples.

i think this picture looks interesting because, to see whats happening you would actually have to concentrate on the figures. i think it would be better if the used more colors, and i also think that the movement of your eyes from the left side to the right is impressive, even though the picture lacks balance.

1 comment:

Pat Autenrieth said...

It might interest you to know that many scholars suspect that Rembrandt was color blind.