Thursday, April 3, 2008

why is the sky blue?

I always wondered why the sky is blue, i know the water is blue because of the sky, but i never new that it was because of the molecules in the air scattering blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.The white light from the sun is a mixture of all colours of the rainbow.

9 Compositions

This project was the only one that i was confused on it took me a while to figure out exactly what was needed. But after i kind of got an idea. making the design to repeat on the squares was pretty fun, i think that was my favorite part and i like the fact that the design didn't have restrictions or it would have been a bore.
We had to use the color that was to our least pleasure which for me was blue so that part wasn't fun either, i think it all just looks like an optical illusion, and i love optical illusions so these are my kind of projects. I still don't feel like i got the main point of the assignment but i was satisfied how mine turned.

Color Interaction

I think the color interaction assignment was fun, it was entertaining. especially the fact that we had to keep finding the color. i understood how colors interact with each other and also how colors work with each other and create optical illusion. it kind of got repedetive at the end when the assignment kind of felt similar. overall i give the assignment a 8 out of ten, because it was frutrating finding the right colors even though i thought it was right.

Chromatic Grey

I think that the chromatic grey project was very interesting. the tests we did in class helped me to find many of the greys reflected of the ice cream scooper. i enjoyed the project it made me see thing i dont normally see in shadow, i always thought shadows are always grey but now i know that the reflect different shades depending on the object producing them. I think my piece was very successful and didnt have a hard time mixing the right colors.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


In my opinion this assignment was cool. i loved the fact that it looked like a horizontal color wheel but i hated the fact that we had to use the color we liked the least. but as i used it and found how many appealing colors came out of it i actually started liking the color blue. i had trouble understanding the bottom row, called the analogous colors. but was able to figure it out, i think this project was a little more complicated than the color wheel so ill give it a 6 out of 10.


the color wheel to me looks like an optical illusion. i like the way the colors fade into their complementary colors. i think the project was pretty exciting because i learned a lot about mixing colors and about primary, complementary and secondary colors. at first i thought it was going to be too meticulous and that i would be impatient, but the procedure was pretty simple and fun. i think the best part of it was taking the tape off the shapes, it looks all sloppy at first but then all neat and detailed. i give the project an 8 out out of 10.

Color of Candy

color is a major part in presenting edible materials. People actually can kind of taste the food just by the color of the object. candy is one of the foods that actually attract a lot of peoples eyes due to bright contrasting colors like red, yellow, orange green, and white as you can see in the picture on the left. each color can also represent a different taste, for example the color red can suggest that that particular item is hot or spicy. the color blue can suggest cool items, the color yellow can represent a kind of lemony sour taste, the color green maybe a kind of minty taste. and orange can represent the taste of oranges. they tend to stay away from colors like brown or black.

as you see in this picture the Hershey's symbol is brown. to make up for the dullness of the logo they surround the image with a bright contrasting color which is orange. in my opinion i think it works very well and is very eye catching i think that box might be the brightest thing in that particular isle. in one way you can actually taste the peanut butter in the Reeses. due to the fact that your eye mixes the brown and the orange to give you the color of peanut butter.